The PipeKnife Company

Caulking Tools That Help You Get Work Done
The PipeKnife® Company, manufacturer of the Original PipeKnife®, now offers a full line of contractor caulking tools to help you get work done. Our catalog includes everything from caulking tools, glazing tools, deck coating tools, and electric cutting tools. We even have especially designed products help solve your cold weather problems with caulk tubes, spray foam hoses, spray foam tanks, and sealing tapes. PipeKnife® Caulking Tools has the right blades and cutout tools for any type of contracting project. We are your resource for professional grade caulking tools for every job.
Proudly Made in USA
We are proud to say that many of our products, including the Original PipeKnife, are made in the USA. 25 different types and sizes of urethane cutout knives are manufactured and assembled by The PipeKnife Company out of Golden, CO, including the recently patented Presto PipeKnife. Contact us to learn more about our products and our commitment to American manufacturing.